Each perfect rose that unfolded yesterday,
each sunrise I note between blushes,
fills me with deep pleasure...
I never tire of seeing with my own eyes
the perpetual miracle of life.
Long ago, I looked at the stars
in the transparent nights of Spain,
finding them more exquisite each time.
Long ago, by the sea, alone,
I heard the waves quarrelling,
and the waves' wonder stuns me.
Each time I find nature
more supernatural, more pure and holy.
For me, here, everything is beautiful
and everything enchants me equally:
the mouth of the mother, praying,
the mouth of the child, singing.
I want passionately to be immortal,
because it is marvelous, the panorama
that invites us to immense creation;
because every star calls to me,
saying with brilliant light, "here, also,
they think, here they struggle, here they love."
Amado Nervo. 1915 August 9th
English Translation by Sue Standing