Architect of life, architect of destiny
Very close to my sundown, I bless you, life
because you never gave me false hope,
nor unjust work, nor undeserved punishment;
because I see at the end of my rough path
that I was the architect of my own destiny;
if I extracted the sweetness or bitterness of things,
It was because I put bitterness and sweetness into them,
when I planted rose bushes, I always reaped roses.
Surely, winter will follow my vim and vigor:
But you never told me that May would last forever!"
I found without a doubt the nights long with my sorrows;
but you didn't promise me just good nights;
and instead I had some blessed and serene [nights]...
I loved, I was loved, the sun caressed my face
Life, you owe me nothing! Life, we are at peace!
Marzo 20 de 1915.
Amado Nervo
English Translation by phantasmagoria
Y en Obras completas, Madrid, Aguilar, 1972 (Los Grandes Clásicos).