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to Pedro Henríquez Ureña

I shall play with the houses of Curaçao,
I shall put the sea on the left
and make more bridges that sway.
So says the poet!
We are in Holland and America too,
and this is a toyshop isle,
where the laws are a queen's
and doors and windows smile.
With the strings of the lyre
and the handkerchiefs of the voyage,
we shall make sails for boats
that never go anywhere.
Government House is far too small
for a Dutch family.
This evening Claude Monet will arrive
to eat blue and electric things.
And up this suspicious alley
we shall send Rembrandt's Night Watch.
     ...give me the port of Curaçao!
     toyshop isle,
     where the laws are a queen's
     and doors and windows smile.


Carlos Pellicer
English Translation by Donald Justice

«Colores en el mar» [1915-1920]  

español Original version

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