This afternoon it rains, as never before; and I don't want to live, heart.
This afternoon's sweet. Why shouldn't it be?
Dressed in grace and grief; dressed like a woman.
This afternoon in Lima, it rains. And I remember
the cruel caverns of my ingratitude;
my block of ice upon her poppy
stronger than her "Don't be this way!"
My violent black flowers; and the barbaric,
atrocious stoning; and the glacial space.
And with scalding oils, the silence
of her dignity will make the final point.
So this afternoon, as never before, I go
with this owl, this heart.
And other women pass by; and seeing me so sad,
they take a little bit of you
from the steep furrow of my profound sorrow.
This afternoon it rains, it pours. And I don't
want to live, heart!
César Vallejo, 1918
Translation by Rebecca Seiferle