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Father dust, who rises up from Spain,
may God save you, liberate and crown you,
Father dust ascending from the soul.

Father dust who rises from the fire,
may God save, uphold and give you a throne,
Father dust who art in heaven.

Father dust, great-grandson of the smoke,
may God save and raise you to the infinite,
Father dust, great-grandson of the smoke.

Father dust, where the just come to an end,
may God save and restore you to the earth,
Father dust, where the just come to an end.

Father dust, who branches into palms,
may God save and look into your heart,
Father dust, terror of the void.

Father dust, composed of iron,
may God save and give you human form,
Father dust who marches burning.

Father dust, sandal of the Pariah,
may God save and never unbind you,
Father dust, sandal of the Pariah.

Father dust, winnowed by the savage,
may God save and gird you with minor gods
Father dust, escorted by atoms.

Father dust, death-veil of the village,
may God save you from evil forever,
Father dust of Spain, our own father.

Father dust, who goes toward the future,
may God save and guide you, give you wings,
Father dust, who goes toward the future.


César Vallejo
Translation by Sandy McKinney

«España, aparta de mí este cáliz» (1939)

español Original version

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