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Sweet Mother and Lady,
Come back to the peace of your tranquil lares,
Like the white aurora
That sweetens sorrows
and sheds light and hope to seas.

Come, that the wounded soul,
your friend-voice missed a lot:
Let's the palm sprout again
That in more serene days
She saw us at her shadow free of spite.

Oh, how much my surrendered heart,
that loved you, wanted
To see such a joyous day;
Oh, how much my slave soul sighed
For her sweet chains!

At the murmur of the river,
At the sound of the wind among the trees,
In tender delirium
We asked for your accent
And the sad thought flew to you.

The star of hope,
White lantern of our dark sky,
Rest and well-being
And joy and consolation
Perhaps he promised so much longing.

Blessed is his holy dawn
What beautiful hours it gave us,
That in a flattering song
The tears exchanged
And he guided you to the love of your children!

Blessed, yes, a thousand times
And always our eyes illuminate
And hear our prayers
Without its light declining,
Nor from sunset to term lean!

And enjoy yourself in good time
The caresses of your sweet loved ones:
Your benefactor star
Ask the soul for joy
From a century of happiness and delights.

What if it is to love life,
If happiness is encrypted in loving,
Who as you, dear?
Who as you, the expected one?
Who like you, whom everybody wishes?


Enrique Gil y Carrasco
Translation by

«Poesías Líricas» (1873)

español Versión original

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