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In a dark corner of the room,
Perhaps forgotten by its owner,
Silent and dim with dust,
I saw the harp.

How many musics slumbered in its strings,
As the bird sleeps in the branches,
Waiting the snowy hand
That could awaken them.

Ah me, I thought, how many, many times
Genius thus slumbers in a human soul,
Waiting, as Lazarus waited, for a voice
To bid him "Rise and walk".


Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Translation by John Masefield

«Rimas» (Edición 1871)
Rima VII
Libro de los gorriones (nº13)

manuscrito / manuscript Manuscrito BNE
enlace Torres Bodet - Esperando la mano de nieve...
audio Voice: David Mier -
Voice: Antonio Mula Franco Voice: Antonio Mula Franco
inglés Translation by Thomas Walsh
inglés Translated by Armand F. Baker
español Original version

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