Because your eyes are as green
as the ocean, maiden, you complain;
those of the water nymph are green,
those of Minerva were green,
and green are the eyes
of the houris of the Prophet.
Green is the vibrant color
of the forest in the spring.
Among the seven colors
of the rainbow, it stands out.
Emeralds are green,
the one who awaits is green,
as are the waves of the Ocean
and the laurel wreath of poets.
Your cheek is a fresh rose
that is covered with frost,
on which the crimson petals
are seen through the pearls.
And nevertheless,
I know you complain
because you think
your eyes make you ugly.
Well, don’t think that;
because your eyes that are
moist, green and restless,
are like leaves of an almond tree
when they flutter in the wind.
Your mouth is a ripe,
purple pomegranate of rubies
that invites one to quench
one’s summertime thirst in it.
And nevertheless,
I know you complain
because you think
your eyes make you ugly.
Well, don’t think that;
when your eyes sparkle
with anger, they are like
the waves breaking on rocks
of the Cantabrian sea.
Your forehead, crowned by
thick tresses of golden hair,
is a snow-covered mountain peak
reflecting the last rays of the sun.
And nevertheless,
I know you complain
because you think
your eyes make you ugly.
Well, don’t think that;
for between your blonde eyelashes
next to your temples, they are like
brooches of emerald and gold
that hold a white ermine in place.
Because your eyes are as green
as the ocean, maiden, you complain;
but perhaps, if they were changed
to black or blue, you would regret it.
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
English Translation by Armand F. Baker