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If because at your feet I fall
submissive like a servant,
and timidly, almost fearful
I beg a look from your eyes;
if because in your presence
I become ecstatic with emotion,
you believe that my heart
is going to break in my chest
and I will forever be
of my passion a slave;
You are mistaken! You are mistaken,
fresh and fragrant rosebud,
I will break your arrogance
like the miner breaks the rocks.

If to a fight you provoque me,
I'm willing to do battle;
you are foam, I am sea
that trusts in its rages;
you make me cry; but one day
I will also make you cry.
And then, when surrendered
you offer all your life
asking forgiveness at my feet,
because my anger is
infinite in its excesses,
do you know what I'll do
in those moments of indignation?
I will tear out your heart
and smother it with kisses!

Julio Flórez
Translation by José Wan Díaz

«Cesta de lotos» (1906)

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