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I would like to invite you one night (and still hope to)
for a chat, so they may see you, and for a drink together.
(Because it is thrilling to speak beside a body so lovely
and young, and to llok upon it with delight, unhurried, so that they will believe it is yours).
And when the waiter bring us the goblet, exuberant,
grateful, and overwhelmed by some liquor among the ice and gold,
in the intimate and brilliant light of the lamps, Vitucho,
I would say to you: Do you see it? The crystal shines, and the liquor overflows.
After a short time, still in the middle of the night, it would be empty
and dirty. The fingerprints impressed on the glass. Gone.

And I will say to you that your adolescence is, now, like that
over-flowing goblet. I would say it to you, and would look at you and hope you understood

Luis Antonio de Villena
English Translation by Dave Oliphant

«El viaje a Bizancio» (1976)

español Original version

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