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«Considering coldly, impartially,
that man is sad, coughs, and nevertheless...»


CONSIDERING the clauses of passive peninsular pacification declared in the majority session infrascripture as a result of having greatly, diminished the active motives in the most humble pectoral regions from whose abolition one can deduce the positions of ambition and work in litigation

CONSIDERING the degree of twilight reached in the face of destiny and the added recourse that negates the existence of accredited collateral lineage in case all the juvenile bargains should withdraw their demands for legitimate succession and accept the declared and sanctioned nullification that the rightholder believes he has

CONSIDERING the many occasions of surreptitious prohibition in discharge of experts' reports that in wounding the quixotic aims which elevate the level of adventure impede the ordinary negotiation of arbitration with panoramic views called to extinguish among its green borders sea-nettles and cynicism

RESULTING in the present state of the claims both accuse each other of creating noxious partitions and they continue to be subject to a limited possessive lapse multiplying in this manner the innate rancor of the opposing cheeks which take refuge in the minute vegetable pleasures of an inheritance spent ahead of time

RESULTING in addition in more than what was predisposed in the mandate entrusted to the presumed executors that will be born at the end of much scenery and empty classrooms that the extraction of a soup stock already dead as emergent proft and terminating parity obtains priority over any possible useful exchange of emigrants and beaches

THE COURT MUST RENDER A VERDICT AND WE RULE WITH JUSTICE the ellipsis (...) perhaps consubstantial with the best non-violent drainage of the compassionate daily lie


Luis Felipe Vivanco
English Translation by Louis Hammer and Sara E. Schyfter

«Propitious Prose» (1976)

español Original version
enlace César Vallejo - Considerando en frío, imparcialmente

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