Normal life and normal creation (Words shadows advance payments visions files normal unanswered letters) Normal thoughs Normal daydreams —or lack of daydreams— Normal awakening and a normal old age on the way to a normal death
Normal questions and answers Everything is normal (And what is normal? and what is everything?) Normal reading matter Normal (and formal) boredom Normal (and mortal) loneliness Normal proverty and normal arrears Normal failure Normal indifference and normal exaltation Normal everything —and nothing—
Normal hours and normal minutes Normal time —and space— Normal clocks Normal lack of humor Normal plates and ashtrays Normal ashes elevators guards Normal pain concupiscence lottery Normal plenitude and void Normal decadence Normal (and mild) discouragement Normal negative statements routine fog and night together with a normal cleaning and pressing and a normal lack of ease and imagination that normalizes its destiny with its many tools and marginalia
Luis Felipe Vivanco
English Translation by Louis Hammer and Sara E. Schyfter