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To die to sleep to sleep perchance to dream
(Hamlet, Act III, Scene IV.).

You are the dream of a God; when you awake
will you return to the womb where you were born?
Will you then be what you were before?
Will your death be a new birth?

Is this dream absent during wakefulness?
Luckily here the mystery assists us;
as a remedy for our sad life
our fate remains an inviolable secret.

Let your future remain hidden under the fog
and walk calmly as you take your last step;
the less light there is, the more certain you can be.

Is our sunset the dawn of another world?
Dream on, my soul, in your obscure path:
"To die to sleep to sleep perchance to dream".


Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker

«Poetry» (1907)

español Original version

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