Psalm 42:2. Exodus 33:20.
Mark 9:25. Mark 9:24.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God;
convert it for me, oh Christ, into a clear pool
into which a delightful shower of faith
may fall. I will be content if am able
to sip only a tiny drop of those waters
without being able to immerse myself in the sea,
since He says: whoever sees my face will die,
and I need that drop so that I can live.
I am wounded by the merciless light
of knowledge that does not quench my thirst;
I do not drink the living water, but I sweat
and I am poisoned by the sweat of doubt;
save me, oh Christ, from this mute spirit,
I believe, help thou my unbelief.
Salamanca, 27-IX-1910.
Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker