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Sturdy Iberian Jesus, you who Teresa
loved and who dies in the secret depths
of the soul, fulfill the promise you gave
in response to the faith of your beloved.

Like a divine Don Quijote, she felt
a beautiful pain that she bequeathed
to our immortal Spain, whose motto is:
only the eternal exists; God or nothing!

If He became human to make us gods,
becoming mortal to free us from death,
what more can you do, bold heart, who dares

to break the chains of human destiny
and who in this cruel life do not rest,
struggling endlessly to find yourself?

Salamanca. 26 December 1910.

Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker

«Rosary of Lyrical Sonnets» (1912)
De nuevo en casa

español Original version

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