Psalm 34:3.
Your journey from this short life
into eternity was not sickness, but health;
your wounds were not the cracks or chinks
of a ruin; nor were your limbs broken
pieces which survived the ravages of your
terrible suffering; there was no pus
in your wounds, there were no cracks
in your formation, nor was your flesh
food for maggots; the vital source
of your human thoughts did not
become a skull, since your death was
health, wellness and youthful vigor;
it was robustness all the way to the
marrow of your bones. Your mother, John 19:33.
our humble earth, is not a creature
that looses its original state of health,
young shepherd Abel, but your brothers
have severed the thread of your life;
your death was not natural, but human.
You died without touching the ground,
Knight of eternal forgiveness, staunch rider
on the back of your cross; and in your final
battle you did not end your suffering
in the lap of your mother. You returned
to earth as healthy as you were born from it:
safe and sound, with no stain or blemish;
your death made it a virgin and a mother.
And you keep on dying; your death
is an endless sacrifice that becomes
our eternal life; for You we keep on dying,
always coming back to life. The health
of your death is a cure for the sickness
of our life. Together, You and your Mother
have put together the scattered limbs
of the unborn Adam; together you formed
the new Humanity which, burning
with love, like a Phoenix in the nest
of flames from your bosom, is reborn
and it rises up until it touches God!
Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker